I love it! The whole ‘therapy-industry bears scrutiny. I decline to ever use the word. It assumes from the get-go that something, notably about you-not the therapist, needs fixing. I will point out that Freud was loathe to use the term. That’s why he called his project ‘analysis.’ I confess, I find a close look at our ‘experience of being’ fascinates me. ‘Oh look, I’m rationalizing spending money I don’t have.’ ‘Hmmn, I’m disassociating as we speak-trippy (not, I better lie down and listen to an audio book.) We are very cool, warts and all. https://homecookedanalysis.substack.com/

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It feels like the screw tape letters. Not to say you are CS Lewis. I would not want to trap you in “upbeat living”. My therapy brain is also a cacophony of noise. I respectfully hope your therapist ticks you off and you write more letters.

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I thought there will be more letters...

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